We hope you had an amazing Christmas, and we wish you all the luck for 2023. Scubaçao is now also entering a new era. A lot has happened last year as we grew from a team with 3 to a team with 7 members. We are incredibly thankful for everyone who made this happen, thank you. Since all you divers are a part of our organization, we want to take you into our goals for 2023.
First of all, we strive to grow our coral restoration project which we are part of. The growth can be seen in the outplants we have. Other than that, we want to create more divers that have their coral restoration and dive against debris specialty. This way we can have more and more knowledgeable volunteers. This means that we also will be promoting it more on our socials, so don’t forget to follow us to not miss out on anything.
In addition, we would like to grow our diving community on the island. We want to do this by teaching the new generation of children more about diving and introducing them to Scubaçao. After all, children are our future 🙂
In the new year we want to have not only great divers but also instructors. We will do this by teaching the instructors at Scubaçao more and more, such as specialties. In this way the instructors can teach more to the divers. This makes the work more interesting and varied for instructors.
We also want to grow in the technological field in the coming year. We are always working on new technological trends and adapting to them. As an example we have our Tiktok account growing. We want to use different trends to make ourselves known around the world.
Our overall goal is to create a close-knit team that has fun and wants to learn more. We want to create a pleasant working environment for everyone. We want to have a nice atmosphere in the shop so that divers feel comfortable and safe and want to come back to us next time.
We hope to achieve all these goals and will work hard for it, together we can make this happen!